• After your ERASMUS stay you'll have to complete the form "Antrag auf Anerkennung" with your study programme director, so that the credits can be transferred to your study programme in Vienna. You will also need a transcript of records from the host university to do this.
  • Please hand in a copy of the signed form, the signed Learning Agreement and the transcript of records at the International Office.
  • Please always discuss the courses that you are doing abroad with your study programme director (including changes to the course programme).
  • Credit transfer/course recognition is usually easier for optional courses ("Wahlfächer" - diploma study programme or "Alternative Erweiterungen" - BA/MA), than for compulsory courses. It is therefore advisable to save at least some of these courses for your ERASMUS stay.
  • If you have been nominated for an ERASMUS stay via a complementary study program ("Erweiterungscurriculum"), you need to contact the respective study programme director regarding credit transfer.