Learning Agreement

  • The Learning Agreement informs your host university about the courses and the amount of ECTS credits you are going to take during your stay. Detailed information on the Learning Agreement can be found here.
  • Please gather information on the course offer at your host university, compare their study plan to ours and talk to the departmental coordinator about the courses you will be taking. Have the Learning Agreement signed by your study programme director ("Studienprogrammleitung").
  • You will have to find out when the Learning Agreement has to be submitted to your host university. It lies within your responsibility that the host university receives the Learning Agreement in time (most universities require the document as part of the application procedure). Should the host university not require the learning agreement for your application/registration, please take it with you and discuss the courses with the local International Office upon your arrival.

ETCS and courses

  • In general, students should obtain 30 ECTS credits during an ERASMUS semester. In order to be eligible for the ERASMUS grant, a minimum of 3 ECTS per month recognised at the University of Vienna is required. Should these minimum requirements not be met, students have to repay the grant. 
  • Should you do research for your Master Thesis or PhD Thesis during your ERASMUS stay, state the title of the thesis in the Learning Agreement document and include the signature of your supervisor. You shouldn't have to take any classes in this case, however, many host universities will want you to take one or two classes anyway.
  • Please find out which courses incoming students are allowed to take at your host university. In order to make the course choice easier, it is recommended to take optional courses ("freie Wahlfächer"/"Wahlfächer") during the ERASMUS stay. In our field of study there are no particular requirements regarding your course choice on our part.

Changes to the Learning Agreement

  • In most cases, the course catalogue for your ERASMUS semester will not be published earlier than a few weeks before the start of term. Since you have to submit your ERASMUS application a lot earlier than that, it is understandable if you need to make some changes to your course programme later on. Please inform the study programme director and the departmental coordinator about any changes to your Learning Agreement as soon as possible. This is the only way to make sure that your choices will be recognised after your return.
  • How you make changes to your Learning Agreement is explained here. Please also find out how the matter is addressed at your host university. Once the Learning Agreement is signed by all parties, please send a copy to the International Office via email.