Religion und Zivilgesellschaft - Plädoyer für einen neuen Narrativ

Kurt Appel

This paper argues that it is vital for contemporary Europe to develop a new narrative of a public sphere that can be shared by individuals of religions and secular traditions. An important merit of European civilisation is the development of public spaces. But these are currently declining due to privatisation fostered by politics and economics. According to the author, it would be important that public spaces become places of encounter and that they acknowledge the voice of migrants. Religions can contribute to the preservation and construction of these public spaces through an affective and narrative tradition that perceives the vulnerability of the individual and its irreducibility to empirical facts and aims at channeling affects toward empathy. Another aspect that can be learned from religions is how to deal with the unaivalibility of the dead and to give them space within society. This approach of religions to the individual can become rewarding for public space and can be made fruitful by civil society. According to the author, in the Western European context, it would be especially important that civil society supports Islamic traditions to unfold their affective richness for a vision of peace and a shared public sphere.

Institut für Systematische Theologie und Ethik
Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (BBE)
ÖFOS 2012
603206 Fundamentaltheologie
ASJC Scopus Sachgebiete
Arts and Humanities(all)
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