Theologische Erwägungen zum Thema "Zeit" im Spannungsfeld von evolutionärer Weltsicht und biblischer Schöpfungserzählung

Kurt Appel

This text argues that certain concepts of time such as a philosophical „evolutionism“ and the so-called „creationism“ tend to reduce time to an empty container of objects and incidents. Another peculiar affinity both of these conceptions share is the possibility of a view on time from outside, that is to say, a gaze that is itself independent of time. In Creationism, God is often conceived of as an entity that is capable of such a view. God is then understood as someone who observes the world that he has created according to certain laws and who occasionally intervenes in it. Certain evolutionary conceptions, on the other hand, replace God by the scientist who is able to observe physical and biological laws concerning the „beginning“ and the „end“ of time from a distance. In both conceptions, time itself seems to be left behind since it is either conceived as static endlessness or as a transitory stadium of a timeless afterworld. This text intends to show the limits of a concept of time in which time is conceived as mechanically passing from one moment to the next regardless of any content. The text shows that in an alternative view, time will appear as an event which is able to express being in a specific way. Time bears a moment of transcendence in it. This moment also shows itself in human beings and without it, we could not exist. Furthermore, the text intends to show that the interpretation of the biblical creation narrative does not only correspond to the perception of time which is outlined in part one, but shows that a theological analysis of evolution is possible. Thereby, it aims at showing that it becomes reasonable and necessary to connect phenomena that are usually considered to be contradictory with each other, such as evolution and creation, nature and history, time and God, logos and myth.

Institut für Systematische Theologie und Ethik
ÖFOS 2012
603206 Fundamentaltheologie
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