Hermeneutik des Lebens. Meister Eckharts exegetisches Programm

Martina Roesner

Meister Eckhart is rightly considered one of the most speculative medieval thinkers. His extensive use of philosophical sources is balanced, however, by an equally thorough biblical foundation of his theology. While staunchly upholding the perfect concordance between natural reason and revelation, Eckhart never proclaims the ‘sublation’ of Sacred Scripture into the philosophical concept but develops his theological approach from within the biblical text in its ineliminable positivity. At the same time, he does not consider the Bible as a radically different source of knowledge whose principles are at odds with the natural world and human reality. Eckhart’s philosophical and theological speculation goes hand in hand with a hermeneutical effort that seeks to decipher the inexhaustible richness of meaning of both the biblical text and human existence and to point out their profound interconnectedness. Ultimately, his exegesis presents itself as a hermeneutics of life, where Sacred Scripture and concrete lived experience mutually elucidate each other in order to reveal the whole of reality as a fabric of meaning.

Institut für Historische Theologie
Anzahl der Seiten
ÖFOS 2012
603106 Hermeneutik, 603903 Exegese, 603223 Theologische Anthropologie, 603221 Spirituelle Theologie
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