
  • In order to take exams it is usually necessary to register for exams via u:space. Registration for exams is usually open 1-3 weeks before the day of the exam. 

Exam dates

  • The exam dates are usually announced during the first course session at the beginning of the semester. First exams are usually held at the end of the semester or up to one week later.

Transcript of Records/Confirmation of Attendance

  • Grades and ECTS credits are usually registered in u:space within one month after the exam. The system allows you to print your transcript of records with a digital signature at least until the end of April (if you have been registered during the preceding winter semester) or until the end of November (registered during the preceding summer semester).
  • In case you do not need a grade or ECTS credits but just a confirmation of attendance for a course, please mention this to the respective course instructor right at the beginning of the semester.