Wittgenstein and the Mystical: Can Nonsense Make Sense? - Workshop with Brian Klug (Oxford)

24th September 2018

4:30 p.m., Office of RaT, Schenkenstraße 8-10, 1010 Vienna

Einen ersten Einblick ins Thema gibt Brian Klug wie folgt:

"Essentially, the talk turns the standard way of reading Wittgenstein upside down. Rather than approaching the language of religion in the light of his general philosophical work, I shall suggest approaching his general philosophical work in the light of the ‘religious point of view’ that pervades 'A Lecture on Ethics'. As I see it, his work -- later as well as earlier -- is a constant confrontation with human finitude. In this way, he keeps what his friend Drury once described as a ‘watching brief in the interests of the absolute’. That is to say, Wittgenstein shows, over and again, what it means not to speak about the absolute. This means (I shall suggest) that the world whose limits he keeps drawing (or investigating) bespeaks the absolute: it bespeaks that which cannot be spoken about in sentences that make sense. In this way, nonsense makes sense as nonsense."

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