Workshop: Prayer, Pop and Politics - researching post-migrant religious youth culture

29th and 30th september 2017

9:00 a.m., Seminar Room 5, Schenkenstraße 8-10, 1010 Vienna

Both in migration studies and in religious studies there is an increased interest in research on the religious engagement of (post-) migrant youth. While the first are for example concerned with identity politics, processes of boundary drawing and minority representation, the latter focus on issues of a changing religious landscape and the diaspora situation of religious communities. From both scholarly perspectives, developments in youth culture are crucial to understand the consequences of the renewed role of religions in Western societies. Here, young people set a course for the future development of religions among their peers and through pop cultural practices and artefacts.

This workshop brings together scholars from different disciplines, interested in empirical research on migrant religious youth culture. We are interested in a broad spectrum of research questions, from macro-sociological perspectives covered in large scale surveys to micro-perspectives on individual aspects of migrant religious youth culture.

Organized by Astrid Mattes and the research platform “Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society"

