Symposion und Konzert mit Jörg Abbing (Orgel). Olivier Messiaen: Les corps glorieux

6.6.2023, Symposion, 17 Uhr, Dekanatssaal der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät

Konzert, 19.30 Uhr, Augustinerkirche, 1010 Wien

The Department of Dogmatics and Dogma History cordially invites you to a symposium and organ concert with Jörg Abbing.

Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) is one of the most important composers of the 20th century. In his music he brings the Christian faith to the ear in a unique way. Unconventional means of composition such as bird songs, Indian rhythms or color ideas characterize his musical language.

In his organ composition "Les corps glorieux" ("The glorified bodies") from 1939, Olivier Messiaen meditates on the life of the resurrected in "seven short visions".

Prof. Dr. Jan-Heiner Tück and Dr. Dorothee Bauer will shed light on the Christian hope for bodily resurrection as well as the theological-musical background of the composition. Prof. Dr. Jörg Abbing (Saarbrücken), organist and musicologist, will perform the work in the Augustinerkirche.