Roland-Atefie-Award (ÖAW) for David Novakovits

for his dissertation on

"Wagnis des Scheiterns"

David Novakovits received the Roland-Atefie-Award of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) for his Dissertation Wagnis des Scheiterns. Religionspädagogische und -didaktische Untersuchungen zu einem Erfahrungsfeld der Gegenwart.

David Novakovits ist University Assistant post doc at the Department of Practical Theology, Pastoral Theology and Kerygmatics of KTF.


Information about David Novakovits on the website of the Department of Practical Theology

Information about David Novakovits' Dissertation on the website of ÖAW

(c) Ludwig Schedl / ÖAW