New Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion

November 2021

With its own "Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion" (VDTR), the University of Vienna will further profile academic training in these subjects. The aim is to improve the promotion and networking of young academics. The VDTR is one of 15 "doctoral schools" at the University of Vienna. The Faculty of Catholic Theology, the Faculty of Protestant Theology and the Research Center "Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society" (RaT) are involved.

Visit the website of the VDTR

Read more about the kick-off event of the VDTR (in German)

Prof. Jodi Magness, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Jean-Robert Tyran, Vizerektor für Forschung und Internationales



Das Leitungsteam der VDTR: Prof. Markus Tiwald, Prof. Christian Danz und Prof. Gerhard Langer