Lecture: Katalin Földvári

27.04.2023, 6:30 p.m.,

Stepahisaal, Curhaus, Stephansplatz 3

"Kommt, lasset uns Mariam da, in ihrer Bildnuß grüssen". Maria Pocs - ein ungarisches Gnadenbild im Wiener Stephansdom.

On 27.04.2023 Mrs. Katalin Földvári MA, research associate at the Greek Catholic Theological College in Nyíregyháza, will present the research results of her dissertation.

Place: Stephanisaal im Curhaus, Stephansplatz 3, 1010 Wien

Time: 18:30h

The guest lecture will be followed by a small catering.


Registration is requested by 20.04.2023: daniela.wiedl@univie.ac.at 


Tel. +43 1 4277- 30211