Code of Conduct of the Faculty of Catholic Theology
At the Faculty of Catholic Theology, it is important to us that all study, research and administrative contexts are characterised by a non-discriminatory atmosphere and by respectful interaction with one another.
We all - lecturers, students, researchers and non-academic staff – share responsibility for ensuring a respectful, non-discriminatory atmosphere for study and work. Discrimination and disparagement based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, impairment and/or disability, physical appearance, age, culture of origin, skin colour, religious affiliation or worldview will not be tolerated at faculty.
Behaviours such as the following are incompatible with a culture of respect:
- Comments that employ pejorative stereotyping and are aimed at disparaging social groups – for example, racist, sexist, derogatory or homophobic remarks
- An inappropriate style of communication on- and offline – for example, remarks that are unsolicited, inappropriate, offensive, hostile, humiliatingor intimidating and that violate a person’s dignity
- Repeated interruption of discussion or deliberate disruption of a course
- Repeated harassment or deliberate avoidance of contact
- Suggestive remarks and jokes, objectifying glances, derogatory anecdotes, sexist remarks about another person’s appearance, behaviour or personal life
- Transgressive behaviour andtransgressive physical contact
These rules of conduct are binding for all members of the faculty – students, lecturers, researchers
and non-academic staff. Staff members can be held responsible for discriminatory behaviour under employment or disciplinary law, and students can be banned from the premises or, in the case of “persistent or serious endangerment”, expelled from the university.
The Code of Conduct of the Faculty of Catholic Theology supplements the Code of Conduct of the University of Vienna and contributes to ensuring that students, lecturers, researchers and non-academic staff can study, teach and work together productively in a constructive and respectful culture of encounter.
Contact persons at the faculty of Catholic Theology
The faculty offers students as well as employees to contact the following persons for an initial consultation in case of discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment:
- Mag. Mirijam Salfinger:
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Lehner-Hartmann:
- Univ.-Prof. DDr. Johann Schelkshorn:
- Ass.-Prof. Dr. Tuğrul Kurt:
- Fariza Bisaeva, BA MA:
Other contact persons for a confidential initial consultation are the members of the AK Gleich, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Agnethe Siquans and Dr. Katharina Limacher.
Possibilities for counselling and intervention at the University of Vienna
For employees, the University of Vienna has created a graphic representation of the counselling and interaction channels for conflicts, discrimination and sexual harassment. You can view and download this diagram here.
To help you find the right contact for your enquiry, please use this page. You decide which contact point(s) you wish to use. If the centre you have chosen cannot help you with your concern, you will be given information on which centre(s) might be able to help you.