The Faculty Board is constituted of the Dean, the Vice-Deans for faculty development and communications, and the Directors of Studies SPL 1 (Catholic Theology and Religious Studies) and SPL 36 (Doctoral programme).
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Andrea Lehner-Hartmann
T +43-1-4277-31905
Consultation hour at the dean´s office after appointment
Duties and responsibilities:
- Budget
- Human resources
- Strategic planning
- Public Relations
- Target agreement talks with the rectorate and the academic university staff of the Faculty
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Filipović, M.A.
Vice-Dean für Faculty Development and Communications
T +43-1-4277-30342
Duties and responsibilities
- Deputy of the dean
- Organisation of Faculty Development Process
- Agendas of internal and external communication
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Regina Polak, MAS
Vice Director of Studies SPL 1 (Catholic Theology)
T +43-1-4277-31907
Duties and responsibilities:
- Contact persion for all theological study programs of SPL 1 (BA, MA, diploma)
- Recognition of study achievements
- Questions concerning the admission to the university
- Study Degrees
- SSC Supervision
Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Theol. Dr. Ioan Moga
Vice-Director of Studies SPL 1 (Catholic Theology)
T +43-1-4277-30214
Consultation hour after appointment T +43-1-4277-30201 (Daniela Wiedl)
Duties and responsibilities:
- Agendas of curricula planning
- Approval of thesis topics
- Plagiarism assessment of thesis
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Feulner
Vice Director of Studies SPL 60 (Doctoral Programme Catholic Theology)
T +43-1-4277-30222
Consultation hour after appointment T +43-1-4277-30321 (Claudia Bernal Diaz)
Duties and Responsibilities:
- All agendas concerning the doctoral programme at the Faculty of Catholic Theology (SPL 60)
- Admission to Doctoral Programmes at the Faculty of Catholic Theology
- Requirements for Doctoral Programmes
- Coordination of the presentations of dissertations
- Final examinations
- Dissertation agreements
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Tiwald
Vice Director of Studies SPL 60 (Doctoral Programme Catholic Theology)
Vice Director of Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion (VDTR)
Duty and responsibility
- Vienna Doctoral School for Theology and Research on Religion (VDTR)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Pokorny
Vice-Dean for research and international relations
Vice-Director of Studies SPL 1 (Religious Studies)
T +43-1-4277-31602
M +43-664-60277-31602
Consultation hour after appointment T +43-1-4277-31601 (Patricia Mayer)
Duties and responsibilities:
- Agendas in the fields research and international relations
- All agendas concerning the curricula of Religious Studies